Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Loose in the Louvre
Paris Journal, Part 3

I had just loaded up our camera with four fresh batteries and a brand new 256mb memory card. We had 300 pictures to play with. I figured it was safe, and would be interesting, to let Olivia wander around the Louvre with the camera and see what she turned up with.

Olivia Rose - ready to go!

Four hours later the batteries were dead and we had ten pictures left.

"Dad, I had to take a picture from every angle. That's how you're supposed to look at sculpture." This is usually followed by a sigh which says something along the lines of Don't you know anything about art? Sheesh.

Here are some samples of what you get when you let your eight-year-old daughter loose in the Louvre with your camera:

Sense a theme developing here?

"What the Venus de Milo has to look at every day."